
There is a great Christian tradition of giving and helping. We have so much to be thankful for and we are so glad that our church has been able to support our community for well over 130 years. Members of the congregation fund the work of our church and we give a proportion of our income to mission organisations and established charities . However, increasing demands and increasing costs mean that we struggle to find enough to pay things like the insurance and gas bills.

We are blessed with group of people who work hard, helping with services and running various events which support members of the community. Without our volunteers our worship would be poorer and we simply could not support the community in the ways we do. The more volunteers we have, the more we can do.

Five ways in which you can help

  1. Donate using the Parish Giving SchemeThis allows us to plan our income and we receive tax relief for your donation. If you need a form these are by the main church door.
  2. Volunteer your timeYou could volunteer for one hour a week by helping during the service. You could lead the prayer, welcome people into church, make tea & coffee and a whole range of other things.

    You could volunteer for a few hours every month by helping at Messy Church, Little Angels or Open-the book.

    You could run a fundraising event. If you have a passion or just a good idea we can help you to deliver that idea and raise money for the church.

    You could arrange flowers, be a member of the music group, help with our grounds, paint a wall etc.

    There are lots of other ways you can help. We just need to find something to suit your availability or skills – or simply try something new.

  3. Join in at our events (free or with small charge)It really is “the more the merrier” when we have a good attendance at one of our events – and we raise more money and get to know one another better.
  4. Use Easy Fundraising when you shop onlineThis really is “free money”. Major retailers such as Amazon, Marks & Spencer’s and Argos pay us a small percentage on the value of your purchase. All you need to do is go to the Easy Fundraising website first and select your retailer. From then on everything is the same. Ask for more information.
  5. Simply increase your donations by just £1 per week
Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God Loves a cheerful giver.
- 2 Corinthians 9:7

Sunday service times:

10:00 Eucharist


Thursday service times:

10:00 Eucharist

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